Holiday Health Tips
We hope your holiday season is magical. Here are some reminders from the CDC:
- Wash your hands often to avoid spreading germs. Soap & water is a cost-effective way to help keep you and your family healthy.
- Stay dry and warm, and dress for the weather. This is especially important for infants and the elderly who can’t handle the cold as easily as adults. And don’t forget the pets.
- Manage stress. Keep your commitments, expectations, and spending in check.
- Travel safely. You know the precautions: don’t drink & drive; wear a seat belt; put your cell phone in the back seat or somewhere you can’t reach; drive for the weather conditions; stay alert.
- Be smoke-free. If you still smoke, consider quitting today!
- Get check-ups and vaccinations. Did you get your flu shot?
- Watch the kids. Watch the kids. Watch the kids.
- Prevent injuries. Use battery-powered candles; unplug decorations when away from home; use a step-stool or ladder & don’t overreach.
- Handle and prepare food safely. Wash your hands, prep utensils & surfaces often; don’t leave perishable food on the counter.
- Eat healthy and be active. Drink plenty of water; enjoy holiday treats with moderation; take a walk.
For more information, seeĀ Holiday Health and Safety Tips.